Beth O’Donnell Young, author
Karen Bussolini, photographer
Timber Press

There is a growing awareness that many land care practices waste resources and are detrimental to the health of people, animals and the larger environment. We can all make a difference in our own yards. The Naturescaping Workbook tells you how.

Find it at Timber Press, Amazon, or better yet, order from your local independent bookstore


“Naturescaping lets you be cheap and lazy and still have the prettiest garden on the block.”

Karen’s most popular slide talk, Naturescape Your Yard, teaches how to create environment-friendly landscapes that reduce maintenance and costs while increasing wildlife, beauty and enjoyment of nature. Easy and inspiring ways to conserve resources (time, money and natural resources), foster diversity, attract beneficial insects, discourage deer, choose the right plants, employ edible landscaping and environmentally sound practices to create sustainable yards are illustrated with inspiring examples from across the country.

Check our her Schedule of Talks to see if she will be speaking near you – or Book the Talk for your group)