Karen Bussolini speaking at Michigan Expo
Karen Bussolini will be speaking at the virtual Great Lakes Trade Exposition on January 27, 2021.
Karen Bussolini will be speaking at the virtual Great Lakes Trade Exposition on January 27, 2021.
Karen Bussolini won 2020 GardenComm (Garden Communicators International) Silver Media awards in three categories. The Media Awards program recognizes individuals and companies who achieve the highest levels of talent and professionalism in garden communications.
February's Connecticut Flower & Garden Show comes at just the right time for plant-lovers eager for spring. The speakers and landscape displays get better every year. Highlights from the 2020 show.
The Ecological Landscape Alliance (ELA) has invited me to speak on Designing with Elegant and Edible Elements at its Season’s End Summit on November 7 at the Community Harvest Project in North Grafton, MA .......
Please join me for a day to explore photography, gardening and stewardship of the land we live in at Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center in Litchfield on May 4 - and let's pray for rain. If it's too wet to dig in our gardens, we can feel good about digging into garden photography, environmentally conscious gardening and the art of seeing well.
Learn about liberating herbs from the herb garden and how to use them throughout the landscape with garden speaker Karen Bussolini and The Herb Society of America - Long Island Unit on May 9
Come learn how to create, maintain and restore habitat to benefit pollinators.
If you love trees, rush right out and pick up the February issue of Connecticut Cottages & Gardens. My photographs of four seasons in a very special tree collection are featured in a splendid ten page layout ...