For those wonderful gardeners who joined us for Solving Garden Design Dilemmas on October 20, here are the promised handouts for winter gardens, pollinator plants and my favorite great problem-solving plants. Thanks to all of you for your enthusiasm and readiness to laugh, learn and share. It was really special day for Christine Froehlich, Nancy DuBrule-Clemente and me.
Since winter is on its way, first on the list is good plants for winter gardens, including those with berries and seeds for the birds, but also perennials that retain a winter presence.
And here is information about my talk, The Unsung Season: Gardens in Winter
Then, to nourish dreams of planting for pollinators throughout the year, here are resources to dig into – Books and links to The CT Agricultural Experiment Station, which posts a wealth of information and latest research results
I have three talks about gardening for pollinators, for audiences with more or less expertise
And last but not least, my go-to problem-solving plants.
I reveal why these are such great plants and how they solve problems in 40(+) Great Plants for New England Gardens
If you would take a few minutes to post a review of Solving Garden Design Dilemmas on my Great Garden Speakers page, I would be very grateful.
To book one of these talks, just fill out the form below, send an email or give me a call
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